The society was formed in 1976 by three work colleagues Peter Stebbings now 92, John Wilson now 75 and Bill Cooley sadly deceased 2007 aged 78. Michael became a member around twenty years ago and we now play eleven competitions a season and a singles match play event. Michael was a very active member and rarely missed a venue, always an enthusiastic ,upbeat and happy person especially if he could outscore his brother Graham and win a pound or two, their rivalry equalled to that of a London derby.
Michael won our Captains Cup at West Essex Golf Club in 2011 and along with a few spot prizes like most of us the highlight of the day was the friendship, camaraderie, fun and of course the odd beer or two. Michael struggled in combating his frailties the past year or so and despite his brother Grahams' best efforts, he decided golf had to take a back seat and sadly we lost a valued society member in the words of our 92 years old founder "He was an inspiration to us all" RIP Michael forever in our thoughts The Phoenix Golfing Society